Little Lilac Life Logo

The Little Lilac Life Blog

Hi there!

I’m so glad you are here. Grab a cup of coffee as we settle in for a chat. (You will find I am a coffee addict; you can grab your beverage of choice and I won’t hold it against you)

My passion is to help others find their joy through living a simpler life! By sharing our family’s journey to self-sufficiency, I hope I can inspire you to find what makes your heart sing. Finding your joy may look like our homestead life, but it also might be simplifying right where you are and embracing a slower pace.

In the blog you will find information about homesteading life that includes DIY projects, gardening, raising goats, chickens, and kids (the human kind).

You will also find that I focus on some advice my mom gave me years ago while sitting in her kitchen (probably drinking coffee). She said, “Just like Marilla told Anne, (of Green Gables) write what you know”. I never did write back then, probably because I wasn’t sure if I knew a whole lot of anything, though I would have never admitted it!

Now, as a woman of a certain age (wink), I have thought about that advice and wondered “what do I know?”. I answered myself (you can talk to yourself as you age; people don’t look at you as funny) with these words; “I know what it is to love fiercely, to experience that moment of becoming a mother, then the moment of becoming a grandma. I know what it is to be heartbroken and to fail. I know about the roots of family and the blessing of friendship. I know about making mistakes, accepting consequences of bad choices. I know what it is to be on top in my career, finances, and life in general; but also, what it looks like from the bottom. Most of all I know about grace, the grace God extended to me and through Him the grace I have been able to extend to myself and others.

So, friend, here’s to learning new things, embracing the lessons we have already learned, and sharing our journey of finding joy in simplicity together.


Carrie (1)

“Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive—it’s such an interesting world. It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it? There’d be no scope for imagination then, would there?”

-Anne of Green Gables

Some Of Our Favs!

Our chicks come from Grace Haven Farm, and they are the sweetest, healthiest birds we have ever had! Kipper is wonderful at follow-up and can provide solid information to the beginning and seasoned chicken peeps.

Tom and Kipper are a husband and wife team of first-generation small farmers with a mission to produce high-quality products for our customers.  

We grow, forage, tincture, and infuse many things on our homestead. But we can’t do it all.

That’s where Jade Bloom comes in! We trust their oils and use them on our homestead (for people and animals). Not only are Jade Bloom products made in the US, but they are a small company that focuses on quality and education for their customers through Jade Bloom University.

Let’s not forget one of the best things, they aren’t an MLM and that was important to us. When looking for great quality oils we didn’t want to pay any fees or join an organization, we just wanted to buy what we needed and continue with homesteading. 

 Many of our herbs are grown in GreenStalk Garden planters, and we love the vertical container gardening helps save space and makes watering a breeze!
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