Little Lilac Life Logo

A journey to simplicity

Take That First Step

Are you looking at homesteading as a step towards a more meaningful way of life? Have you been taking steps to create a more sustainable life?  Maybe you are unsure of where to begin. Nine years ago, we stepped out in faith and began making small changes to start our journey to simplicity.  You can do it too!

There is so much ahead for you as you pursue your dreams. We look forward to sharing and growing with you, no matter what step of your journey you are on.

Let’s Go!

Join The Journey

Our goal on the blog is to provide knowledge, encouragement and share honestly about the homestead life. We share our joy and successes, but we will also share the not-so-great things about homesteading. This lifestyle is a challenge and adventure! Be ready to laugh, cry, feel accomplished, and exhausted. But as you go through all those emotions, know we are right there with you!

"The scent of lilacs always brings a flood of memories that means home, hope, and love."

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